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Friday, 14 January 2011

Kicktail Review


It's been awhile now for not updating the blog, that was because I've been trying out new lures~~ well~~ not that new anyway, I've got the lures since before I have my Buzzbait. Anyway, this specific lures have been around quite some times now, and some how IMHO, it's a version of the soft-bait the famously known in Brunei as Banjo Minnow. Although, let me put this is a right way, Banjo Minnow is not the only soft-bait that jerk and react, in fact there arequite a lot of soft-bait where you pull, and it reacts.

The KickTail hard-bait version of Banjo Minnow-lookalike, do react the same way, it falls and it turns the same way as Banjo Minnow, but less flexible as the soft-bait. But hey, what do you expect from the hard-bait aye. Anyhow, the jerks and turns do react a little bit like a fish which is trying to run away, and it drops to the bottom slowly, except it does not drop appropriately like an injured fish. But the retrieve technique do wiggle the whole body like a real fish, and seriously~~ you will not and you won't recognise between a KickTail or the real fish... well~~ if the hard-bait in the water that is. The plus side of this hard-bait is that, it has a depth setting on it, just like any "dive" hard-bait. If not mistaken, mine ones are 4-8" depth and there's a lot of choice you can choose from. But preferably the "any" deep settings for me which I reckon, that is because you can play in any depth you want. Except that when there's a strong current, it may float instead of dive. Still~~ I like the innovative side of the concepts and ideas of this lure. So far, I didn't catch that much due to I'm quite scare to lose it due to the expense of getting of this particular lure is quite expensive. But~~ if you wanna try new things, you can give it a try and you'll be amazed by it.

And as below, the grades are given.
Design : 9 (Quite real compare to the soft-bait, except it's harder)
Quality : 10 (The metal and plastic is strong and the painting stay intact.)
Features : 9 (2 hooks like any normal hard-bait, and the swimming ability is so realistic.)
Useability : 9 (A mixed of retrieved and jerk and turns technique. I like it, you can just play retrieve or you can control to your liking)
Application : 6 (Normal hard-bait application, it does snag due to the hooks are being set on the lower side of the lure. Too bad though)
Tot. score : 8.6
NB :There are a lot of brand that has the same design, but KickTail just among of them. So availability to get this particular lure can be obtained anywhere in the angler shop in Brunei.

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Banjo Minnow Review Part 2

Assalamu'alaikum para pembaca sekalian,

Kali ani kembali untok memberi pandangan mengenai Banjo Minnow bab kedua dan terakhir. Setelah mengamat-amati dan dicuba beberapa kalinya. Akhirnya saya pun sampai penghujung pandangan dimana keberkesanan umpan palsu Banjo Minnow amatlah mujarab sekali. Ini hanya mampu dikecapi dimana jika awda mengikuti apa yang telah ditunjuk-ajar sepertimana yang ada di dalam CD yang telah disertakan bersama pakej Banjo Minnow 110 set. Seperti halnya, kemarin saya cuba di Mangroove resort, dan cara yang telah saya ikutkan atu, ternyata mujarab, ganya bukan halnya, alum tah dapat saya praktikkan sepenuhnya, pasalnya, alum dapat dibayangkan dikepala macam mana caranya ikan/lauk yang sudah kan mati, jadi, latihan untok membuat keberkesanan haruslah saya buat lagi lah. Walau bagaimanapun, sintakkan dari lauk sememangnya ada, atu yang saya mau, jadi dari sana lah saya dapat membuat kesimpulan mengenai umpan ini. Nya urang, walaupun inda pandai tapi boleh jua dianggut lauk. Yang penting, Banjo Minnow ani haruslah ditarik kajuti bukan hanya ditarik biasa. Mun tarikkan atau retrieval biasa, maka beranangnya pun biasa tah jua...dan sebagai resultnya, inda limbai-limbai ranangnya. Yang harus diingati tarikkan haruslah dikajuti ataupun nya tani, disintak. Disintaknya pun, bukan macam sintak habis macam belureh lauk pisinnya, tapi disintak pindek-pindek, jadi lauk atu pun pacik ke kiri dan ke kanan selayaknya. Sama jua kalau main bottom level, disintak pun pindek-pindek. Dan kalau diikuti, dalam CDnya atu, ada bermacam cara, jadi terpulanglah arah abiskita untok memileh yang mana satu lauk terpakai. Aku kemarin atu, lauk menganggut umpan ku atu adalah campuran walking the dog dan short 3 flick and paused. Jadi, aku terpaksa menghacut umpan ku jauh sedikit untok supaya umpan ku atu dapat dilaksanakan dua gaya ani. Yang bagusnya umpan ani, diretrieve balik, jangan ditarik biasa tapi diflick, dan dalam masa yang sama kunpum lauk yang berhampiran memubut umpan ani, sebabnya gaya lauk ani sangat memberansangkan. Benanang macam laukkan mati bah geng, mana jua grigitan lauk. hahhaah. atu yang tantulah ku liat.

Jadi seperti biasa markah ku bagi seperti di bawah;
Design : 10 (Oleh kerana ia seset, maka banyak kan dipilih dari pelbagai size dan warna. Selain atu, designnya pun seakan lauk minnow)
Quality : 7 (Yang ani~~ kebanyakkan gatahnya nda tahan kana pumpung uleh lauk)
Features : 10 (Bagus dalam semua yang dibuat oleh pembuat lah, ranangan bagus macam lauk kan mati, atu pun pasal ia jenis softbait lures. Ada weed guard, jadi inda mudah nyangkut. Mata lauk ani, dapat diubah-ubah dan ada beberapa jenis mata yang ada baratnya sendiri. Jadi lau basar mau barat jadi kalau ia sinking pun macam lauk kan mati selayaknya )
Useability : 8 (Mau atas pun blh mau di bawah pun blh.. ditangah-tangah pun blh, janji dpt imijin di tahap mana ia kan benanang. Oleh kerana ia jenis lambut atau softbait, jadinya cara untok ia efektif adalah ia harus disintak cara macam lauk kan mati jua, labih kurang mainan ala Prawnstar. Walau bagaimanapun, umpan palsu ini labih sanang dimainkan oleh kitani kerana responsifnya amat tinggi. Sintak sikit kah banyakkah, kesama-hidupan umpan ani akan menyerlah selayak sintakkan tani atu.
Application : 10 (Umpan ani inda paham erti menyangkut... kecuali dihumban kan arah ranting yang bepangkah-pangkah kali nyangkut plang. Atu pun menyangkut bukan menyangkut di umpan tetapi kekusutan tali kail yang bekusutan arah ranting kayu. Mun sudah bekulut arah ranting, basar pun hati kan inda mau menyangkut. Tapi oleh kerana ia ada weedguard, jadi, inda mudah umpan palsu ani akan nyangkut di mana-mana tempat.)
Tot. score : 9

Monday, 22 November 2010

Banjo Minnow Review

Assalamu'alaikum, back again to review another unique if not the best lures we and I ever met. And why I said best was because, the demonstration that I have seen from the video was quite impressive. So anyhow, I managed to get gripped one of the 110 sets 006 Banjo Minnow after a friend of mine introduced to me and I was quite "itching" to see it on my own, and it has arrived last week. So, after I obtained the BM, I went straight to the place where I usually test any lures that I had, and after I opened the package, the lures were indeed as it was described. It was and it is as elastic as it was being shown, and that was because the material is made from silicone. And it is included with 3 packs of weed guard (small rubber band), 5 different designs with 3 sizes of fishes, 3 packs of different sizes of hooks and 5 different colours of "eyes".

So, with further a due, I whip the BM as far as I can, apparently... it only managed to drop as far as 10 ft due to the light weight it has, still due to my itching feeling to play with it, I didn't put any weight on it as I want to have the same experience as the ones being displayed in the video. It was lame, I tell you, hahaha I couldn't throw properly, I couldn't retrieve it properly and that was because I didn't properly watch the video and take by heart of learning how to jig and retrieve the BM. But, though it took me like 2-3 hours to have a snag from the fish, it works wonderful and the feeling of sensation the way the Barramundi pulled the BM from the line. Hell that was really good, seriously I never felt like the way it pulled BM. Probably it gave the same "experience" as Prawnstar, but too bad, I never had the chance to have that experience as Prawnstar.

The thing was with BM though it took me a longer period to have the fish to snag my lures were because the way I retrieved was wrong, but somehow I did try a few pulls n plucks and the fish falls for it. But I only managed to do it only once, and after that the tricks didn't work. So I changed back to my trusted spinner and right after my spinner dropped to the water, the Barras pulled wildly and again, I missed. Anyhow, I retrieved back my spinner and it was pure bent here and there due to the bite by Barramundi.

Anyhow, I need to play around more with BM before I can give grade on it. Till next time, I shall let you guys know about the progress ayte. ;)

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Soft-bait Review

Assalamu'alaikum, kembali sekali lagi kali ani untok membagi pendapat sekian "lures" yang biasa kitani lihat dalam setiap "tackles" box sikaki pancing. Kali ani~~ peramba/kaola/saya ingin membagi pendapat tentang "soft-bait", dimana soft-bait seperti ini sudah banyak diperolehi dimana-mana kedai pancing yang ada di Brunei dlm lingkungan harga BND3-7. Seperti sedia kala, umpan palsu seperti ani, kalau sudah diliat dari kutaknya pun sudah lain macam lah... mun masuk ke aying apa tah gi... layah-layah tu mliat arghahahahah... Kelebihan umpan ani dapat sudah tani liat dari pelbagai sudut, dan paling ketara sekali ialah dari sudut ikongnya. Rekabentuk ikongnya atu ada kelainan dari umpan palsu yang lain, dimana ikongnya atu hanya dpt beraksi ketika umpan ani ditarik dlm aying, dari sana tah ikongnya bgarak. Walaupun secara logik luaran, nda nampak macam lauk biasa tapi sudahnya tkial-kial dalam aying, baru tah nampak ikongnya bgarak mcm lauk idup selayaknya. Menarik umpan palsu ani di aying, laju plahan pun, ikong atu breaksi selayak tarikkan tani atu jua. Sebagai contoh, kalau ditarik umpan palsu ani plahan maka plahan tah jua ikongnya tlinggang-linggang... ala-ala mcm lauk kan jum mnuju ke rahmatullah. Dan sekiranya laju tarikkan ke umpan atu, maka laju lah linggang ikongnya. Jadi poin utama disini tani liat adalah ikongnya atu mbagi peranan penting dalam mempamerkan semirip-kehidupan lauk hidup. Sebatah ku makai umpan soft-bait nda lah menghampakan, yang tantu nda sekali-kali nda ku blurih dalam sehari atu. Kalau kan diikutkan pengalamana dan dibanding-bandingkan sama umpan spinner bait, tantu ani manang pslnya ani kunpum blurih dlm sehari atu, walaupun, kalau spinnerbait blurih, skalinya blurih atu nda calang-calang banyaknya. Tapi yang penting, dalam sehari mesti ada blurih.

Jadi seperti biasanya saya membagi grade;
Design : 10 (banyak kelainnan setiap umpan yang ada di kadai, jadi dpt tani milih-milih sekehendak hati tani yang mana bisai usulnya)
Quality : 7 (Yang ani~~ kebanyakkan gatahnya nda tahan kana pumpung uleh lauk n then biasasnya lauk ani pacah~~ dlm maksud lain nda bmata kalaunya dpapak lauk atau tersangkut dsb, tapi alhamdulilah mata kailnya pun bagus. Bengkuk-bengkuk pun kalau bagas dirangus uleh lauk atau bagas nyangkut dapat diusai)
Features : 9 (Selain mata kail utama ada, mata kail damit pun siap siaga incase kalau mata kail utama terlapas, tapi untuk ngurangkan ia tersangkut saja, cabutlah mata kail yang damit itu... xD)
Useability : 9 (Mau atas pun blh mau di bawah pun blh.. ditangah-tangah pun blh, janji dpt imijin di tahap mana ia kan benanang)
Application : 7 (biasanya nyangkut ani kalau mata kail damit nda dicabut, dan kalau pun dicabut~~ kalaunya tesalit arah calah-calah batu atau kayu, pun nda mudah lapas. Sabab atu mata kail utamanya nda setagap yang biasa)
Tot. score : 8.4
Distributor : You can email me for queries.  Soon, I'll have separate links for price and package.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Saturday, Nov 14 2010

So~~ hmmm~~ this is frustrating due to I didn't seem to catch fish like I used to. I'm not sure whether it's the lures or the water or stuff. But, likewise I used my trusted spinner bait with lotion and both are from the same company. Apparently, I missed not that a lot but I didn't catch any with it. So yea~~ I did change the skirts to black but with the gray skirts intact, so it looks really fat. Im quite hungry now~~ lol~~ Anyhow~~ the spinner still in red, but from previous spinner bait I used, the lures were in gold spinner and black skirts. And I'm gladly, I still have my other spare spinner bait with the gold spinner~~ so~~ since its modifiable~~ I shall and I will modify it to my liking muahahaha... That's the cool thing about spinner bait you can modify it to your needs and wants and lust muahahah~~ Anyway, I'll keep you update with the news~~

Thursday, 11 November 2010

BuzzBait Review

Assalamualaikum dan welcome~~

I have been quite actively fishing back again after having a break for almost 3 months now. The last fishing trip was during Ramadhan and it was kinda how to say, a bit adventurous for me and my baby car lol~~ That was because I went to Danau alone and I was with front-end car, so anytime I can be stuck there and prolly I would have to call 247.

Anyway, after a 8 months delay on my awaited lures and finally arrived last October, I gave it a another smacked to the same place I have tried with every single lures I've got. But this time around, I have the Buzz bait grayish/black-spot 1/8 with red spinner, chateaus/white 1/4 yellow spinner and black skirts 3/4 with red spinner colour. I accidentally lost the 3/4 ones due to snap off from the line... too strong of flicking the lures~~ lol... and I am left with the twos. Apparently, until now I didn't catch any~~ but~~ I didn't say the fish didn't chase these lures. Seriously I saw 2-3 fishes chasing these lures especially the darker coloured ones, and it was during day time. These fishes were Selunsong (Barra) and I think they specifically couldn't resist moving fat healthy thing and it was quite frustrating for me, but on the other hand, the Mangrove jack and Lauk Putih (Crevally Jack) didn't chase the lures like the Barra did. I missed like 3 misses or so during the 'afternoon meal' hour on a range period of 10mins of casting and another missed during the "night meal" hour on a range period of 40mins of casting. Last year during my first acquired of Buzz bait, it was a 1/8 Black Skirts with Yellow Buzz, and I was quite frustrated and I kept Buzz bait while I was on a hit with a soft-bait lures. In the end, I run out of soft-bait, so I tried again with my Buzz bait. Apparently, that night, something snagged my Buzz bait but I missed it. So, I put my trusted lotion on it, and I went to a hotspot, and it was confirmed Barra did take the bait on a 20mins range of period of casting, I missed one and bring back 2 Barra to the hut. I was quite amazed with the time taken and the effectiveness of the Buzz bait. So, I sat down and thought back what I did wrong when I first tried the Buzz bait. And I came to realise that the way I retrieved it was on top while Barra was on the bottom, but yet, I was following the method of retrieving it from the video.

Anyhow, I flicked again my Buzz bait from the hut and I realised the water level was quite high with clear sky during that time, and to my amazed, I saw again couples of desperate Barras chasing my lures. It wasn't 2 or 3 Barras only but in fact it was 4 Barras total chasing from top. During the retrieving of the Buzz bait, it was just somewhat less than a meter from the water surface, and it wasn't long enough for the Buzz bait to escape from the horny Barras, my Buzz bait sunk down under and my bait-casting reel turned wildly and with my quick move, I slowly tighten my drag and up Barra in a fight less than a min or so. At the end of the event of that night fishing, I managed to pull 4 Barras in less than an hr or so and 3 missed. So again, I tried the same lure the week after at the same location but this time the water was shallow, and as a result, no respond closer to the hut but the hot-spot did give me 2 Barras only.

And since that time, Buzz bait gave me a more confident that to come to think of it, I didn't know this lure really works though, from the looks of it, there's no way it looks like a fish to us but to the marines, it may say otherwise. So I went to research on the differences of colours, apparently it does give some effect on the success rate of fishing, but~~ there are fishes that can't see colours, so~~ the conclusion was, it does explain why the Black Buzz bait was chased by Barra but not by Mangroves jack and Lauk putih. I tried the black ones during day time but to no avail, instead I have quite a number of pulls with the brighter ones. Mind you, the way of retrieving is important as well, coz you prolly need to target whether the fish is on the bottom or on top level of the water or in between. Personally, this Buzz bait do listed under my favourite lures because of the effectiveness against specific fish like Barras and Bass.

And as below, the grades are given.
Design : 9 (it has different bents n bolds, skirts can be bought and changed)
Quality : 10 (from the ones I had, the metal is strong and the painting stay intact.)
Features : 8 (It has holes in each of the Buzz and its the noisiest Buzz bait in the market)
Useability : 9 (It is the easiest to use due to just retrieve and you can control whether you want it on top, suspending or bottom)
Application : 10 (99% payah kan menyangkut, dpt dipakai kawasan yang bekayu atau bedahan and that is because the Buzz and the weight has block-weed system which can assist in avoiding the lures from snagged.)
Tot. score : 9.2
Distributor : You can email me for queries.  Soon, I'll have separate links for price and package.

Prawnstar Review

Assalamualaikum~~ kembali kali ani untuk megomen salah satu lures atau umpan palsu nya tani lah tu, iaitu Prawnstar. Sebagai salah seorang kaki pancing yang kurang labih aktif dlm arena ini, telah maklum bagi ku dan juga kaki2 pancing yang lainnya, umpan seperti ani amat dikenali di Negara Brunei Darussalam. Dan seperti biasa, aku pun jua turut ngorder dari salah seorang distributor yang 1st di Brunei memperkenalkan Prawnstar. Setelah diperkenalkan Prawnstar dan meliat videonya dan teknik pemakaian Prawnstar, jadi, terjatuh lah hati ku kepada Prawnstar dan tarus ku ngorder dari abis drg ani. Sesampai Prawnstar di tangan ku, apatah gi kan ditunggu2, aku pun tarus mencuba di salah satu tempat yang amat dikenali ramai, lubuk Selunsung, ungah dan lauk putih, atupun ikut stock lau ada.

Sampai ku di tempat yang dihajati, tarus tia ku mlabuh Prawnstar, dan hacut punya hacut selama 6 jam, inda jua pandai naik, sampai blatupan bahu sama siku ku ani. Ternyata, sehari2 atu dan semlm2man ku atu inda jua kana lirik Prawnstar ku atu. Ngampai ku bagas ngacut Prawnstar, baru tah ku kan bekarih masang pancing ku sebuting untuk di pakai umpan basong2 dengan menggunakan teknik mengampai di dasar. Walaupun inda belurih sekong pun lauk menggunakan Prawnstar, aku tetap inda mulih dengan tangan kusung. Of coz lah aku makai umpan palsu yang lain, skurang2nya inda kecewa mcm putus kinta hahaha. Setelah memiliki umpan Prawnstar sejak 4 bulan yang lalu, sampai ani alum tah ku pernah belurih, yang sadisnya, bukan ganya sekali dua ku mencuba, tapi mencuba sampai belurih lah, tapi ternyata keputusan tatap sama sampai ani. Ku pakai flicking kah, walking the dog kah, jigging kah, inda jua belurih. Tukar tampat kesana kemari pun inda jua belurih. Tukar saiz dan warna pun masih jua nda belurih. Kalau nya urg tua2, mentalih tah sudah diri ani, baik tah mandi bunga xD. Angan2 ku atu banyak plg sudah, salah satunya, kan menyalam keaying nyumbati Prawnstar ke mulut lauk Selunsung. Tapi angan2 plg ganya tu hahaha.

Conclusionnya, walaupun inda belurih, from my view, it is one of the unique lures I've ever seen. And as below, the grades are given.
Design : 9 (aku pun tetipu, dikit gi ku buatkan sapak XD)
Quality : 10 (Gatahnya kuat dan mata kailnya pun tajam dan tahan)
Features : 9 (Dua mata kail, satu di badan satu di ikong)
Useability : 3 (Pslnya cara pemakaian mesti mcm udang idup. Mun inda sama, nda tah lauk makan)
Application : 10 (99% payah kan menyangkut, dpt dipakai kawasan yang bekayu atau bedahan)
Tot. score : 8.2
Dsitributor : Prawnstar in Brunei go to Have fun and goodluck.